15 natural teething remedies to reduce teething pain

15 Natural Remedies For Your Teething Baby

At Powell’s Owls we love finding new natural products and are always on the lookout for remedies that actually work! Since we began selling amber jewelry in 2014, we have sold over 300,000 individual pieces of amber teething jewelry (amber teething necklaces and amber teething bracelets) worldwide. Now that is a lot of amber! However, there are so many other natural remedies that you can try at home that will help fight teething symptoms while avoiding chemicals and medication.

Our team with the help of our wonderful readers and customers have compiled a list of 15 natural teething remedies that have helped during the teething period and made life for parents a whole lot better.

Remember no matter what remedy you decide always supervise your young baby and if in doubt confirm with your child's pediatrician to ensure that the remedy that you choose are safe and effective for your child. When it comes to reducing the teething pain, there is no such thing as a one size fits all!


Peeled Ginger Root:

Peeled Ginger Root

Ginger has always been known throughout history for its use in traditional as well as alternative medicine. As a natural inflammatory, ginger can help to relieve teething pain through its soothing properties. “When my baby daughter first started teething, we would peel a slice of ginger root and rub it on our daughter’s gums for a couple of minutes. We originally thought this was an old wives' tale but it actually worked to relieve some of the teething pain” rubbing the gums with the ginger can be done several times a day.

DIY Popsicles:

teething Popsicle

An easy natural remedy which is also fun to make are popsicles. Frozen popsicles made from natural fruit juice is not just tasty but a safe and easy way to provide your child with some cold temporary gum relief. In addition, DIY popsicles is a great way to introduce your child to new tastes!

Beef Jerky:

Beef Jerky

Our newest mom on the Powell’s Owls team love her Beef Jerky and decided to introduce it to her newborn during a night of painful teething. “My son loves chewing on the jerky and it lasts for ages” One caution to parents is to supervise their child while chewing on the jerky and also find a low sodium brand. Too much salt can be harmful for any infant!

Frozen Carrots or Apples:

Frozen Carrot

Peel the carrots and apples and give to your teething baby to chew on. It’s that easy.

Baby Ice Cream:

teething baby ice cream

Ice cream rules! No matter your age who doesn’t love some cold, tasty ice cream.
One of readers sent us in their favorite baby ice cream recipe which she found on Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/497155246346575943/) created by Becha Haapapuro.

2 sliced, frozen bananas One of (breastmilk, whole milk, infant formula) Cinnamon Vanilla extract Put frozen banana in blender, add 1tbs vanilla, 1tsp cinnamon and slowly add milk until it reaches a soft serve texture. Feed or freeze immediately.

Great for warm days at the park and by using feeding pouches, it stays (mostly) mess free!

Thank you Becha!



We admit that Waffles are not the most natural product (or the healthiest remedy) but we have decided to include it on the list as a teething remedy found in most freezes. Babies love the bumpy surface of the waffles. In addition, the waffles will turn into a yummy edible mush as they chew and drool on them.

Jewelry & Toys:


Amber Teething Necklace:

teething necklace

Ok …. Before we get started we admit that we are biased! Not only do amber necklaces look so cute and stylish but they work to relieve teething.

What Are Amber Teething Necklaces?

Amber teething necklaces are necklaces designed to be worn by teething infants.
Amber teething necklaces consist of “beads” made from amber. Contrary to popular belief, amber is not a precious gem like diamonds or sapphires—it is actually fossilized tree resin. That’s right: the amber used to make jewelry, including teething necklaces, is actually millions of years old.

How Do They Work?

Amber teething necklaces work in a surprisingly simple manner. Amber contains a naturally occurring compound called succinic acid; this compound is an anti-inflammatory which can help reduce pain and inflammation. When amber teething necklaces are worn against the skin, the warmth causes the amber to secrete oil. Inside this oil is the succinic acid that, when absorbed, will reduce pain-causing inflammation in the gums. And that’s it! No special gimmick, simply have your infant wear the necklace and they will soon start feeling pain relief from the reduction in gum inflammation.

teething necklace for baby

Are They Safe?

Yes! Amber teething necklaces are perfectly safe. There are no side effects associated with wearing amber teething necklaces. Although they are safe to wear, basic jewelry precautions should be exercised when wearing amber teething necklaces.

This includes:

• Don’t let your infant wear necklaces while they are sleeping
• Don’t let your infant wear necklaces while they are in the car
• Supervise your infant when they wear their amber teething necklace
• Routinely check the necklace to make sure there are no loose beads or other damages, as these can present a choking hazard
• Make sure the necklace is snug but not tight; this is to prevent your infant from putting the beads in their mouth

Amber Bracelet:

amber bracelet

Similar to the amber necklace, an amber teething bracelet works the same way. In order to create amber bracelets, the amber is first harvested and then processed until it resembles beads, which are then turned into the bracelet and sold around the world. Amber bracelets can also be worn as an anklet which.

Wooden Teething Rings:

wooden teething ring

Wooden teething rings are our choice over plastic teethers due to the fact that they are non-toxic and free from harmful chemicals. Always remember when buying any kind of teether to make sure it is BPA free. One of our readers recommends when buying a wooden teether is to ensure that the toy is made from “maple wood”

Teething Mitt:

teething mitt

Baby teething mitts are still relatively new to the marketplace but they are a terrific self-soothing teething toy. The teething mitt (or glove) is designed to provide an all-natural teething solution that has an adjustable strap, is BPA free and absorbs drool. Best of all it’s washable. We love the teething mitt so much that we created our own!

Teething Toys:

teething toy

It would be impossible to create a list of teething products without including Sophie the Giraffe. This fantastic natural teething toy is loved by babies throughout the world. Not only does it help with teething but it can also help with facilitating baby development

Household Items

Chilled Spoons:

Teething Spoon

Not only is a chilled spoon an easy and free teething remedy but it is also recommended by the American Dental Association. All you need to do is chill a metal spoon in the refrigerator (not in the freezer) and then apply the rounded part of the spoon to your baby’s gums. The chilled spoon helps to the numb the gums which are causing pain.

Mom's (or Dad's!) Fingers:

teething finger

Sometimes in life the simplest and easiest solution can often be the best. All you need to do is massage your finger (wash your hands first!) over your infants’ gums. You can also allow your infant to suck or gnaw on your finger as they please.

Chewing on a Toothbrush:


Chewing on a toothbrush can be great for teething and dental health. It also gets an infant used to having a toothbrush inside their mouth while at the same time giving their gums a gentle massage. One recommendation would be to purchase rubber gum massagers that any parent can wear on their finger.

Chilling a Washcloth:

Washcloth for teething

A damp washcloth is great for teething relief. All you need to do is let your child chew on the washcloth for a nice soothing all-natural numbing sensation. Our tip is not to freeze the washcloth solid as this will make it too hard for your baby’s teeth and gums.

Is there a teething remedy that you have used which we should add to the list?

Let us know! You can contact us anytime at: 


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