
Amber Teething Bracelets: 5 Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can my baby sleep with an amber teething bracelet?

Yes! Just make sure your baby can't chew on the amber beads. We recommend covering the bracelet with clothing to prevent any chewing.


2. Can the bracelet be worn as an anklet?

Absolutely! Ankles are a great spot for amber jewelry and your baby can sleep with a teething anklet on (just cover with clothing as with the bracelet).

3. How does amber help with teething relief?

When amber is heated against the warmth of your body, it releases a compound called "succinic acid," which is a natural analgesic and healing agent. Your body absorbs this all-natural pain relief through the skin, producing a calming effect.


4. What type of amber do you use in your teething products?

We use 100% Baltic amber - the best amber in the world. We source all of our amber from Lithuania, on the shores of the Baltic Sea.

5. Have any other all-natural teething remedies?

You betcha! Check out our new teething mitten and our collection of amber teething necklaces!

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